Catfish 1.0.2 Released
- Sean Davis
- Release Announcement
- April 14, 2014
Table of Contents
Catfish 1.0.2 has been released with easily accessible view modes and a new search filter for matching directories. More than 20 bug fixes and general improvements round out the release.
What’s New?
I thought the delay in previous release announcements was embarrassing… but several stable releases have been since my last post (0.6.1). I’ll try to keep this brief.
New Features
- Switch to toggle standard and preview modes
- Search filter for directories
General Improvements
- Full Python3 support
- Improved locale and encoding support
- Updated to support the latest PyGObject APIs (minimum 3.6)
- Introduced SudoDialog to handle user authentication (shared with Mugshot)
- Code cleanup, removed unused template code, improved installer
- Improved list logic with item selection
- Interface refresh, mimicking common gnome applications
- Improved handling of symbolic icons
- Improved strings
Bug Fixes
- Fixed CVE-2014-2093 CVE-2014-2094 CVE-2014-2095 CVE-2014-2096 ( Debian #739958, Fedora #1069396)
- Fixed multiple-selection regression ( LP: #1283726)
- Fixed “–thumbnail” startup option ( LP: #1230245)
- Removed embedded copy of pexpect ( LP: #1257500)
- Fixed image loading issues, use icon names available in gnome-icon-theme ( LP: #1258713)
- Fixed untranslatable strings ( LP: #1261181)
- Fixed sidebar width ( LP: #1261185)
- Fixed sidebar coloration ( LP: #1261188)
- Fixed searching mounted shares ( LP: #1274378)
- Fixed PyGObject deprecation warning ( LP: #1228440)
- Fixed python2/3 error that prevented installation ( LP: #1217507)
- Remember sidebar visibility and hidden files toggled ( LP: #1188954)
- Enhanced image thumbnailer ( LP: #1193311)
- Use pexpect and SudoDialog to replace gksu dependency ( LP: #1202085)
- Made Search terms placeholder text translatable ( LP: #1175201)
- Made command line options translateable ( LP: #1175204)
- Fixed crash when directory in PATH does not exist ( LP: #1166079)
- Fixed case sensitivity in search backend ( LP: #1166214)
- Fixed infinite loop when searching for * ( LP: #1165727)
- Fixed executable-not-elf-or-script lintian warnings for Debian packaging

Getting Catfish
Ubuntu Users
If you’re running Ubuntu 12.10 or 13.10, Catfish 1.0.2 is available from the Catfish Stable PPA.
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:catfish-search/catfish-stable
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install catfish
If you’re running Ubuntu 14.04 or newer, Catfish 1.0.2 is available in the Ubuntu repositories.
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install catfish
Everyone Else
You can download the latest source package from the Catfish downloads page if you’re running another Linux distribution.