Xfce Settings 4.13.0 Released
- Sean Davis
- Release Announcement
- November 9, 2016
Table of Contents
Many components have been ported to GTK 3 on the path to Xfce 4.14, while many others are in progress. Xfce Settings 4.13.0 represents the first milestone in its transition to GTK 3.
What’s New?
This is a one-to-one port from GTK+ 2; no new features or fixes have been implemented.
Translation Updates: Basque, Bulgarian, Chinese (China), Chinese
(Taiwan), Croatian, English (Australia), French, German, Hebrew,
Japanese, Korean, Lithuanian, Malay, Occitan (post 1500), Polish,
Portuguese, Portuguese (Brazil), Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak,
Spanish, Swedish, Ukrainian
Known Issues
The display settings dialog does not always build correctly. The offending
code exists in the port to GdkSeat. When alternating between the old and
new versions of this code, both versions do work. If you want to investigate and submit a patch or tip, that’d be awesome!
What’s old is new again.

Xfce Settings 4.13.0 is available to download from archive.xfce.org:
Source code ( md5) ( sha1) ( sha256)