With Xubuntu 20.04 “Focal Fossa” due in less than two weeks (April 23, 2020), it’s time to look at what’s new. In this post, I walk through the installation process of the 20200412 daily image. These images show the installation working completely as expected, with all components loading and installation completed successfully. Enjoy the following Xubuntu 20.04 screenshots.
Xubuntu’s installation media starts with just two icons. Press any key for installation options, or the installation disc will start loading to the install options.
Booting the Installation Media
Configuring the Installation
You’ll see this when everything works as it should. The Xubuntu installation process has changed little over the years.
Finishing Up with the Slideshow
Rounding out the Xubuntu 20.04 screenshots are screens from the slideshow. At the end, remove your installation media and press Enter to reboot into your newly installed Xubuntu!